Every day, thousands of people and entire families are displaced from their homes because of the war, the climate change and the lack of opportunities for a dignified life in their countries of origin. In Mexico, the migratory emergency got worst when the Migrant Caravan marched the country to get to the United States, facing situations that put at risk their integrity. That’s why immigration is one of the most complex issues to deal with worldwide.
One of the six topics addressed in What Design Can Do Mexico City will be Humanizing Immigrants, where artists, designers and architects will join forces to come up with new ideas that have a positive impact in the lives of people living in this situation. The next May 6,7 & 8 will be an excellent opportunity to listen to different voices, about their vision an insistence in the right of a dignified life for everyone, with the help of creativity.
Cameron Sinclair, will be one of the speakers of What Design Can Do Mexico City. He will share his expertise in the social field and the sustainable construction. Sinclar co-founded Architecture for Humanity, an organization that engaged with the reconstruction of spaces in natural disasters affected communities.
As head of the humanitarian team of Airbnb, Cameron has improved the living conditions of refugees, and vulnerable people through architecture. Sinclar has a master degree in Architecture Development, and he is Visiting Professor in several universities. He is former Honorary Member of Design Futures Council y Young Global Leader del World Economic Forum.

Cameron Sinclar
Technology in service of the refugees
Joséphine Goube will be one of the speakers in What Design Can Do Mexico City, where she’ll talk about the possibilities that technology brings for displaced people seeking asylum. Through the International organization that he precedes, Techfugees, conferences workshops and international meetings are organized to propose solutions and promote the best technological projects that meet these needs.
Joséphine graduated in human development for Sciences Po Paris and the London School of Economics. She’s also a Member of the Board of Directors of the Norwegian Refugee Council, and she’s an expert in migratory issues for the European Commission.

Josephine Goube
Documenting resilience
The artist Jan Rothuizen will be joining us in What Design Can Do Mexico City as co-creator of the interactive documentary Refugee Republic. In collaboration with the multimedia journalist Martijn van Tol and the photographer Dirk Jan Visser, Davy. They visited the north of Iraq to document one of the biggest refugees camp of the region. After portraying their lives, these hopeful documentary reflects how it is to live in resilience in spite of all.

Jan Rothuizen
In search of solidarity
The actor and activist, Diego Luna will share with us a powerful presentation where he will talk about Mexican realities and his position on migration in the country. Together with directors and artists, he launched the initiative The Day After (El Día Después) a platform to promote inclusion and union between Mexicans during the election time, with a twelve citizen commitments list. With his partners Gael García Bernal, Pablo Cruz y Elena Fortes, he leads Ambulante, a traveling documentary film festival in order to foster a more critical and informed audience.

Diego Luna