‘The silver lining is that people are fighting back’
350.org founder Bill McKibben finds hope in the massive public uprising against Trump administration’s climate change denial
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350.org founder Bill McKibben finds hope in the massive public uprising against Trump administration’s climate change denial
Athenaeum recommends #1: Three magazines on rural life and nature
WDCD Live’s new format offers lots of choice from Activation Sessions to ticketing
With global temperature rising to new records, WDCD is mobilizing the creative community
WDCD launches programme of WDCD Live Amsterdam 2017
New map by The Eco Experts visualise the best and the worst polluters in in the world
A book of photographs that combines beauty and horror to make a point
21-year-old Boyan Slat receives €100.000 for his endeavor to clean up the plastic soup
Nobel prize for design draws 1,123 nominations from 73 countries