Doodle3D makes designing for 3D printers ultra easy. The WiFi-Box allows anyone to make simple drawings on a computer, laptop, tablet or smart-phone and print them in 3D. Inventor Rick Companje will present the device as one of twelve speakers at Ignite this Wednesday 25 June at Mediamatic.

Rick Companje studied Computer Science, Interaction Design and Media Technology at Leiden University and currently works as a media artist, developer and inventor. One of his projects is Globe4D, a four-dimensional physically interactive globe used in museums and science-centres worldwide. He is co-founder of the open‐knowledge sharing communities and FabLab Amersfoort.

One of his recent projects is Doodle3D, a sketching tool to simplify the process of drawing and printing in 3D. The idea behind it is that even though 3D design programs are getting more user-friendly and accessible they still form a major barrier for the average person.

The Doodle3D software runs on the WiFi-Box. The user can connect to it through his/her browser. After creating a simple line drawing on an iPad or computer the user presses ‘print’. Layer by layer the printer creates a 3D object from the 2D sketch using plastic. The programme has a Scan & Trace feature, which allows you to make a photo with your tablet or phone, trace the contours and 3D print the drawing. Doodle 3D also works with WordArt.

Apart from printing doodles, the Doodle3D WiFi Box will also be able to wirelessly 3D print more complex 3D models by streaming GCODE to a printer. The WiFi Box also monitors a printer’s speed, temperature, and progress.

Ignite, 25 June, 21:00 h at
Mediamatic Fabriek
VOC–kade 10
1018 LG Amsterdam