Saskia van Stein is the artistic and managing Director of the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR). Currently, van Stein also holds the position as Head of Department, The Critical Inquiry Lab MA at the Design Academy, Eindhoven. Prior to this, she was artistic and managing Director at Bureau Europa in Maastricht.

Over the span of her career, she has curated numerous (traveling) exhibitions and biennales, given lectures, spoken at or moderated symposia, juries, advisory committees and contributed to other cultural events both in the Netherlands and abroad. She has often spearheaded topics and themes in and outside of the confined walls of the institutional realm of the museum, questioning cultural production and the designed environment itself. 

Van Stein’s curatorial practice started at the Netherlands Architecture Institute (now Nieuwe Instituut) in Rotterdam, where her first steps were made by programming exhibitions on the intersection of architecture, political and human sciences, design and fine arts. There her deep-seated interest in the discourse surrounding the politics of representation was ignited. She continued to develop this through experimentation with different exhibition formats, modes of display and methods of knowledge production, as well as organizing and participating in numerous discursive events around the subject. 

She is committed to contributing to the development of a cultural discourse and is also chair of several juries and member of advisory committees such as Independent School for the City in Rotterdam, Dutch Design Awards, the architecture journal OASE and member of the advisory council for Culture to the Dutch Government, Contemporary Art and Creative Industries.

WDCD Live Amsterdam 2024

Saskia van Stein will moderate the main stage programme at WDCD Amsterdam 2024. Join Saskia van Stein and hundreds of creatives on 5 July, tickets are now available.