Lotte Bloem is a sr. brand strategist at Momkai, where she guides mission-driven startups and organisations in building meaningful relationships and lasting impact with their communities. From bringing the biggest organiser in sport events into one united brand story, to building a tight-knit community of museum lovers, her strategic design work is inspired by 10+ years of brand storytelling and brand building.

In 2022, Momkai launched a project called Memberful Design, which speaks to the agency’s collaborative approach to movement-building and includes a monthly podcast of the same name. The ideas behind Memberful Design were developed in partnership with researchers at New York University and stem from their work on De Correspondent. Today, they serve as the foundation for all of Momkai’s work, which includes everything from brand strategy to award-winning holistic design.

WDCD Live Amsterdam 2024

Lotte Bloem will be a facilitator for Memberful Design and the Power of the Collective.

Join Lotte Bloem and hundreds of creatives on 5 July, tickets are now available.