“Shifting industry paradigms by developing growable and compostable electronics from bacteria that naturally produce electrical proteins.”
– Project in one phrase

Electric Skin envisions a future where electronics are grown, not extracted. As the world increasingly embraces clean technologies and IoT solutions, the demand for critical minerals is surging, leading to more mining activities and environmental harm. Additionally, the rapid proliferation of electronic devices significantly contributes to the growing e-waste crisis. Electric Skin reimagines this scenario by posing a transformative question: “What if we could cultivate our electronics?” By pioneering the use of bacteria that naturally produce electrical proteins, Electric Skin has developed a platform technology that is applicable to both energy production and electronics. These proteins are seamlessly integrated into algae-based biomaterials, drawing inspiration from nature’s own design principles. This innovative approach allows for the scalable production of compostable electronics, utilizing renewable resources. Currently, Electric Skin is focused on developing growable and compostable sensors, with the vision of eventually crafting entire phones or coating buildings with this sustainable material.


Electric Skin will take the main stage in the second block:


They will also participate in one of our breakout sessions, with more details coming soon.
Electric Skin  and hundreds of creatives on September 27th. Tickets are now available!