Michelin is a strategic and ecosystemic designer, currently serving as the Science and Technology Product Manager at re.green, a company dedicated to restoring tropical forests in Brazil for the benefit of both people and the planet. She holds a degree in Environmental Management, a Master’s in Strategic Design, and a Ph.D. in Design. As an independent and academic researcher, her work focuses on ecology, regeneration, systems thinking, diversity, futures, and decoloniality.

Previously, Michelin served as Director of Community Mobilization of Innovation at (011).lab, the innovation lab of the City Hall of São Paulo, and was the coordinator of the Bachelor’s Degree in Product and Service Design at the Istituto Europeo di Design (IED). She is currently a professor at IED-SP, ESPM, and Unisinos. Michelin is also an activist for ecology and indigenous rights, a poet, and a feminist. In 2024, she will be launching her first book on Ecosystemic Design.

“Design has long been a tool of colonialism, recognizing as “design” only what serves industrial and economic interests rooted in the exploitation of the Global South. It’s time for us, as Latin Americans, to recognize and value our own designs and cultural contributions.”


Coral Michelin will take the main stage in the second block:


She will also participate in one of our breakout sessions, with more details coming soon.
Join Coral Michelin and hundreds of creatives on September 27th. Tickets are now available!