Barbara Vos is a programme maker, researcher and creative strategist. She works at the intersection of design, science, sustainability, and society.

With a background in journalism, Vos uses research and context analysis to unravel power dynamics and the why behind the status quo by making them visible and actionable. Vos’ mission is to bring movement to critical sustainability challenges by creating spaces that bridge complex issues into the public consciousness through design, storytelling, and action-driven programs. Vos’ approach is focused on collective sense making and how to bring different disciplines, voices and visions together for meaningful connections and action driven programs for change.

Research Food for Thought, in collaboration with Kadir van Lohuizen
Research Food for Thought, in collaboration with Kadir van Lohuizen

Over the past ten years, she has immersed herself in the invisible world behind our food system and tried to make it more visible. For instance, she has collaborated with Tegenlicht, Next Nature and BlueCity. Vos sees the transition of our food system as one of the most important tasks of our time. “After all, no other topic feels as much everyone’s than our food, and touches the foundation of everyone’s existence.”

Vos is the head of the Embassy of Food, part of the World Design Embassy program of the Dutch Design Foundation.

She previously has been involved with WDCD Live Amsterdam 2022 and WDCD’s Creative Climate Collective for COP27.


Barbara Vos is creating one of the breakout sessions during WDCD Live Amsterdam 2024.

Join Barbara and hundreds of creatives on 5 July, tickets are now available.