Alex van Straaten is the Growth Director and part of the leadership team at Momkai, leveraging over 20 years of expertise in branding, digital design, marketing communications, and community building. He collaborates closely with founders and CMOs in strategic decision-making to advocate a community-flywheel approach and build impactful movements that sustain long-term success.

In 2022, Momkai launched a project called Memberful Design, which speaks to the agency’s collaborative approach to movement-building and includes a monthly podcast of the same name. The ideas behind Memberful Design were developed in partnership with researchers at New York University and stem from their work on De Correspondent. Today, they serve as the foundation for all of Momkai’s work, which includes everything from brand strategy to award-winning holistic design.

WDCD Live Amsterdam 2024

Alex van Straaten will be a facilitator for Memberful Design and the Power of the Collective.

Join Alex van Straaten and hundreds of creatives on 5 July, tickets are now available.