Clean electricity from living plants
Clean electricity from living plants
Solar-powered cold storage solutions for farm produce
A retrofit for electric water heaters to act as batteries to store energy
A new green currency
Artificial glaciers help receding mountain
A network connecting cargo bike riders with delivery companies
A smart app for fleet optimisation and passenger management on buses
Cheap and sustainable building blocks made from waste
An ecosystem of sustainable products and services for preventing food waste
A biomimetic cooler and air purifier made from earthenware pots
Transforming agricultural waste into carbon-negative building materials
Solar power on a larger scale
Flat-packed urban furniture that nurtures the community
A community platform to connect recycling centres with recycling citizens
Learning new places through adventure
Cooling at a low cost
Bringing offenders directly to help options
App extension for safer nude photos
The app that gives you tampons
Water for the world
A combined approach of certifications, trainings & awareness
Sex education on social media
Creating dialogues on men's health
Making reporting easier through smart sites