Nyungu Afrika is a social and climate positive enterprise using circular design to end period poverty with safe ,non-toxic and affordable period products made from agricultural waste. This brand of pads hopes to revolutionise the way menstruation is viewed in Africa by making use of underutilised, locally abundant materials like pineapple leaves and corn husks while creating a positive impact for both consumers and non-consumers of sanitary pads by including them at all stages of the value chain—as entrepreneurs or employees in production, suppliers, distributors, health educators, and consumers. The founder of the women-run startup, Mary Nyaruai, explains: ‘We are innovating towards period products that are not only good for women, but for Mother Earth, that cut across six UN sustainable goals.’ Their products are fully biodegradable, unlike conventional pads which are often packed with single-use plastics and harmful chemicals. Learn more at: nyunguafrika.business.site
NYUNGU AFRIKABiodegradable & low-cost period products made from pineapple and corn husk waste