This idea consists of creating a system of fake ads and landing pages that can track and gather data on ‘casual’ sex offender behaviour, but also provide help and awareness to the target group. As soon as the user confirms his/her interest in the fake ad, the ad platform redirects visitors towards awareness and help options.


What was it like to participate in No Minor Thing?
‘We liked to participate not only because of the subject. There are a lot of different ways to approach the theme “no minor thing”. The complexity and the difficulties we face here to make a difference, are challenges that we gladly take on as a design agency. The Dutch Public Prosecution Service (DPPS) and What Design Can Do offered the possibility at several occasions to evaluate our ideas with specialists in the field. This way of working proved to be invaluable to form our concept. Later on when the concept became more concrete, the OM was able to bring us in contact with existing initiatives in the field. If our proposal has potential to be realized in the future, it is very important to have these partners on board to make the next step towards realization.’

The success of an idea lays in its ability to inscribe itself within this context. Do we need to be effective or do we need to be innovative? ‘

While working on this project, what has caught you by surprise the most?
‘As with any new design subject we needed to familiarize ourselves with it. During this process we became aware of how complex the world of sexual exploitation really is. But also we became aware of, how difficult it is, to make a difference.
There is a surprising amount of different initiatives that work as separate entities and try to contribute to solving the problem of sexual exploitation. We saw from early on that, if these parties would work more often together, this would probably have a very positive effect on the outcome of their effort.’

What role do you attribute to design when it comes to this type of social issue?
‘When dealing with social problems design and communication can definitely spark the game and come up with a great new way of thinking. Nevertheless, in the case of this very specific subject, where the ethical question and juridical restrictions are quite high and problematic, we believe the role of design is more supportive. In the context of the plurality of initiatives, we think the designer should be the bridge to bring them together and value them in what they have to offer. The success of an idea lays in its ability to inscribe itself within this context. Do we need to be effective or do we need to be innovative?’