At WDCD Live 2024 Amsterdam, you can check out our very own book shop. We have invited Athenaeum booksellers to offer a range of items that both support designers in action and help you to expand your own knowledge on urgent topics we will be exploring throughout the day. You will find Atheneum in one of the common spaces of the Muziekgebouw, so do make time to check them out.



For WDCD Live, Athenaeum booksellers will have a specially curated selection of books available to purchase at their pop-up. You can expect to find many of our speakers’ very own authored books as well as  What Design Can Do’s collection of books on a range of topics focused around design activism.

Unfortunately, Athenaeum booksellers will not be able to bring everything but they can order for home delivery within 48 hours (average within The Netherlands) – for many many titles.