TTJaja is a collective of women weavers who, for six years, have built a creative community that meets weekly. From the beginning, they have challenged traditional norms, exploring firsthand how play is intrinsically tied to community. Their works, fun, large, and extravagant, are born from collective imagination and brought to life by their hands. Most of their creations are inspired by Mexico’s culture and traditions.

For this breakout, they have drawn inspiration from one of WDCD’s central themes: the environment and climate change. Their project, “Weaving Ecosystems,” is a map made up of thousands of woven pixels that represents the diversity of ecosystems and the rich biodiversity coexisting in our urban jungle.

In addition to weaving the pixels, breakout participants will be able to contribute to the creation of this large map through the classic “paint by number” activity.


Marisol Centeno


You are invited to stay tuned to TTJAJA’s social media, where a call for participation in this collaborative weaving project will be announced. If you wish to be part of the activity, please send an email to, and we will connect you with the organizers. During the festival, you can also join in to learn and weave while enjoying some drinks in the lobby of the BB Auditorium.

Limited to 40 participants.


BB Auditorium Lobby


September 27, 2024


3:00 pm

This breakout session is part of WDCD Mexico GNP 2024.  Join & play! On September 27, tickets are now available.