Collective game in which participants will create an interactive map that visualizes our individual actions related to caregiving and how they impact the collective. This map will serve as a dynamic representation of caregiving distribution within the community. On the main stage, we will feature pairs made up of invited designers and government officials, who will take on various roles related to caregiving activities. This will create a space for dialogue between them and the participants in the dynamic.

Diseña Colectiva is a platform and community focused on highlighting creative practices and projects that propose new, respectful, and collective approaches to design, through the voices of individuals who identify as women and gender minorities.


Cas Holman, Gil Lambert, Tuux, Barbara Buser, Delfín Montañana (Isla Urbana) y Fernando Laposse


There is no need to register for this Breakout Session as it takes place on the main stage. If you would like to participate, follow the instructions from our staff on the day of the event.


Central Stage


September 27, 2024


3:00 pm


Stage 1: Live Mapping
Objective: Make individual caregiving roles visible.
Description: Interactive collection of individual data through either an analog or digital platform. The responses will generate a real-time dynamic map that reflects what we identify with, how we relate to the game, our gender roles, and our participation in caregiving tasks. The questions are divided into three phases:

  • Individual Data: gender, age, place of origin, profession, belongings, etc.
  • Childhood Games and Toys: types of games, toys, spaces used, roles assumed, etc.
  • Participation in Caregiving Tasks: at home (cooking, cleaning, administration, maintenance, shopping, etc.), child-rearing (hygiene, care, feeding, school support, transportation, etc.).

These questions will help us identify the gaps in caregiving task distribution, their undervaluation, and recognize existing roles.
Duration: 25 minutes

Stage 2: Role-playing Game
Objective: Make the caregiving burden visible and collectively seek solutions.
Description: Based on the responses obtained in Stage 1, some profiles will be identified and roles will be assigned. Volunteers from the audience will be invited to participate. A typical unpaid caregiving situation will be presented, such as caring for a sick relative, managing a household with multiple simultaneous tasks, or child-rearing. Participants, assuming their roles, will need to make decisions and act based on the situation presented, solving the difficulties collectively and in collaboration with the audience. Guests may intervene by observing and proposing solutions.
Dialogue will be encouraged regarding caregiving challenges and recognition of caregiving work, addressing questions such as:

  • How can we redistribute tasks more equitably?
  • What kind of external support would be necessary?
  • How can we recognize the importance of these tasks in the country’s economy?
  • What actions have been implemented in your community to redistribute the caregiving burden?

Duration: 25 minutes

Stage 3: Collective Reflection
Objective: Collective reflection on actions we can take from a design perspective regarding caregiving.
Description: At the conclusion of the simulation, the material collected in Stage 1 and the solutions proposed in Stage 2 will be reviewed to generate a collective reflection that will establish agreements and lay the foundation for a manifesto. An advisory panel will evaluate the proposals and suggest how they could be implemented into public policies, adjusting the ideas according to their roles, disciplines, and responsibilities.
As a conclusion to the dynamic, decision-makers may be invited to sign a public commitment based on the learnings and emerging proposals. This commitment could be symbolic or include concrete actions they pledge to take back to their institutions, turning the experience into a reference document for future actions. This document will be the Manifesto, which may be published later.
Duration: 25 minutes

This breakout session is part of WDCD Mexico GNP 2024.  Join & play! On September 27, tickets are now available.