This Breakout Session has been designed in collaboration with Universidad Iberoamericana and its Social Innovation Lab. The goal is to reexamine the role of play in reconstructing community bonds in vulnerable communities. Through play, the session aims to foster a shift in community dynamics, promoting greater ownership of public spaces and strengthening connections among residents, thereby contributing to social cohesion and empowerment.

  • The act of playing is carnivalesque because it seeks to subvert the usual order.
  • The act of playing is appropriative because it claims the context in which it takes place.
  • The act of playing is disruptive because, as a result of the previous point, it breaks with the space it has claimed.
  • The act of playing is autotelic because it is a goal in itself.
  • The act of playing is creative because it shapes its own objects and communities.
  • The act of playing is personal.

“We are in the world through play,” Miguel Sicart


Gabriel Fontana


Parque México at the “Foro Lindbergh.” This iconic space is located in the heart of the park, surrounded by pergolas and known for its Art Deco columns and fountains. Foro Lindbergh is used for cultural events, concerts, and community activities.


Anyone interested in participating in the game prototype and interacting with Gabriel Fontana alongside Ibero Design students during the piloting of their ideas is welcome to join. A group will be organized with volunteers from WDCD MX GNP 2024 to walk together to Parque México. You may also choose to arrive on your own.


September 27, 2024


3:00 pm


  • 0’ to 10’: Gathering at Foro Lindbergh.
  • 10’ to 20’: Invitation to passersby to join the game.
  • 20’ to 30’: Explanation of the game rules.
  • 30’ to 120’: Three game dynamics will be conducted in a rally format, with three stations where participants will play for 30 minutes each.
  • 120’ to 180’: Dialogue with participants, reflection on topics such as participation, diversity, community, connection, cohesion, and social empowerment.
  • 180’: Farewell and acknowledgement.

This breakout session is part of WDCD Mexico GNP 2024.  Join & play! On September 27, tickets are now available.