Drones are mostly associated with counter-terrorism, war and killing. TU Delft master student Alec Momont wanted to investigate the live saving powers of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) instead. Understandably his Ambulance Drone got lots of attention since it was presented last week.

In the European Union around 800.000 people per year suffer from a cardiac arrest, of whom only 64.000 (8 percent) survive. It is Momont’s estimation that with his Ambulance Drone, that can reach the scene of an incident in much less time than ordinary emergency services, this figure could be raised to 640.000 people, or 80 percent.

Apart from an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) the Ambulance Drone could be equipped with medication, or Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) aids to prevent deaths from drowning, traumas and respiratory issues as well. Momont is now looking for funding to continue development of his project. That can’t be to hard, we figure.